What is Manslaughter, and How Serious are the Charges?

What is Manslaughter, and How Serious are the Charges?

When you watch enough TV dramas, you hear legal terms used interchangeably. As a result, what is manslaughter when compared to homicide or murder? Every one of these charges are serious, they do have different outcomes and punishments. Continue reading about...
Can You Leave the State on Bail?

Can You Leave the State on Bail?

Can you leave the state on bail? Living at home during your criminal case certainly gives you more freedom than being in jail, but there are still restrictions. Let’s look at how much space you’ll have to travel while you’re out on bail.   A Bail Bond Comes With...
What are Pennsylvania’s Shoplifting Laws?

What are Pennsylvania’s Shoplifting Laws?

Have you ever felt tempted to take something from a store without paying? If so, you’ll want to know what our legal system thinks about shoplifting crimes. Follow along for what you must know about shoplifting laws in Pennsylvania.   Shoplifting 101 You...
What is a Suspended Sentence?

What is a Suspended Sentence?

Your life may have become complicated when you ended up as a defendant in a criminal case. While discussing your legal options, you may have learned how a suspended sentence could save you from prison time.  Gibson Bail Bonds explains how the suspended sentence option...