Driving Without a License in Pennsylvania

Driving Without a License in Pennsylvania

Most people look forward to their 16th birthday with anticipation because that’s the milestone to get your driver’s license. It’s your first significant step toward adulthood. In Pennsylvania and most other states, it’s the beginning of major responsibility. Driving...
Can You Smoke In Prison?

Can You Smoke In Prison?

Many vices can lead a person to serve time in prison. The irony is that once you have a conviction, you pretty much have to give them all up in confinement. When someone is facing a prison sentence, one of the first questions they have is, “Can you smoke in prison?”...
Examples Of Misdemeanors

Examples Of Misdemeanors

All crimes are not created equal. In the United States justice system, there are felony crimes, and there are misdemeanors. Felonies are the more serious charge of the two. There are many examples of misdemeanors since they make up about 80% of all arrests. If your...
Suspended License? Here’s How To get It Back

Suspended License? Here’s How To get It Back

No one wants to deal with a suspended license. It really puts a crimp in your style. Daily life becomes a much bigger chore without your driving privileges. And if you are like most people, it is not something to take lightly.  Many people rely on their vehicles to...
What is a Court Summons?

What is a Court Summons?

You can find yourself appearing before a judge for a variety of reasons. Many people do not understand what is a court summons, or what it means. Some people think they can ignore their documents, while others violate them altogether. Unfortunately, when you...
Right to Trial by Jury: Your Sixth Amendment

Right to Trial by Jury: Your Sixth Amendment

In school, you were taught that all citizens have the right to trial by jury. However, how many times do you see proceedings with only a judge? If you ever wondered why some cases have a jury and some don’t, you aren’t alone. At Gibson Bail Bonds, we hear...